====== Linux: Find User Files ====== How do I find out all files owned by a user called tom or jerry under UNIX / Linux / BSD / OS X operating systems? Use the find command as follows to find all files owned by a user called tom, in /home (open terminal and type the command): find /home -user tom find /home -user jerry To find all files in the /sales directory owned by the vip group, enter: find /sales -group vip You can restrict your search to *.c (all c files only) for user tom as follows: find /home -user tom -type f -name "*.c" You can restrict your search to directories only as follows: find /home -user tom -type d Where, -type d - Find only directories. -type f - Find only files. -name "*.c" - Find all file ending with .c extension. ===== 参考 ===== * http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-finding-user-group-files/