====== 判断当前是VIM还是GVIM模式 ====== ===== 方法一 ===== If Vim is running in GUI mode, or if it is in startup and knows that GUI mode will be started at the end of startup, has('gui_running') returns 1 (i.e. TRUE). Otherwise it returns 0 (i.e. FALSE). You can test this (unless running on a Vim without arithmetic evaluation) with if has('gui_running') " gvim-only stuff else " non-gvim stuff endif 或者 if !has('gui_running') " this won't be done when staying in console mode endif ==== 参考 ==== * :help has() * :help feature-list * :help no-eval-feature ===== 方法二 ===== Whenever the GUI is started (be it during startup, or, on a Unix Vim, by executing the :gui command at any time), your gvimrc is sourced and (provided, of course, that autocommands are compiled-in) the GUIEnter autocommand event is triggered. Neither happens if Vim runs in console mode. ==== 参考 ==== * :help gui.txt * :help GUIEnter