
Dokuwiki 设置私人保密命名空间


在Dokuwiki的配置文件 inc/dokuwiki.php 中作如下ACL设置:

  $conf['useacl']       = 1;        // this enables the ACL feature
  $conf['superuser']    = '@admin'; // admin group is superuser


在Dokuwiki的ACL配置文件 inc/acl.auth.php 作如下设置:

*                  @ALL     1      #1 grant all users read access to the wiki
*                  @users   2      #2 grant logged in users edit access to existing pages throughout the wiki
*                  @staff   16     #3 allow members of the staff group full access  to the wiki
private:*          @ALL     0      #4 prevent access to everyone, including logged in users
private:*          @staff   16     #5 counter rule #4 above, to allow staff members access to this namespace
private:bobspage   bob      16     #6 allow bob to access his page