





python-files:stardict-format [2010/08/13 14:40] (当前版本)
行 1: 行 1:
 +====== StarDict Dictionary Format ======
 +Format for StarDict dictionary files
 +StarDict homepage: http://​stardict.sourceforge.net
 +StarDict on-line dictionary: http://​www.stardict.org
 +{0}. Number and Byte-order Conventions
 +When you record the numbers that identify sizes, offsets, etc., you
 +should use 32-bits numbers, such as you might represent with a glong.
 +In order to make StarDict work on different platforms, these numbers
 +must be in network byte order. ​ You can ensure the correct byte order
 +by using the g_htonl() function when creating dictionary files.
 +Conversely, you should use g_ntohl() when reading dictionary files.
 +Strings should be encoded in UTF-8.
 +{1}. Files
 +Every dictionary consists of these files:
 +(1). somedict.ifo
 +(2). somedict.idx or somedict.idx.gz
 +(3). somedict.dict or somedict.dict.dz
 +(4). somedict.syn (optional)
 +You can use gzip -9 to compress the .idx file. If the .idx file are not 
 +compressed, the loading can be fast and save memory when using, compress it 
 +will make the .idx file load into memory and make the quering become faster ​
 +when using.
 +You can use dictzip to compress the .dict file.
 +"​dictzip"​ uses the same compression algorithm and file format as does gzip, 
 +but provides a table that can be used to randomly access compressed blocks ​
 +in the file.  The use of 50-64kB blocks for compression typically degrades ​
 +compression by less than 10%, while maintaining acceptable random access ​
 +capabilities for all data in the file.  As an added benefit, files 
 +compressed with dictzip can be decompressed with gunzip.
 +For more information about dictzip, refer to DICT project, please see:
 +When you create a dictionary, you should use .idx and .dict.dz in normal ​
 +Stardict will search for the .ifo file, then open the .idx or 
 +.idx.gz file and the .dict.dz or .dict file which is in the same directory and 
 +has the same base name.
 +{2}. The "​.ifo"​ file's format.
 +The .ifo file has the following format:
 +StarDict'​s dict ifo file
 +Note that the current "​version"​ string must be "​2.4.2"​ or "​3.0.0"​. ​ If it's not,
 +then StarDict will refuse to read the file.
 +If version is "​3.0.0",​ StarDict will parse the "​idxoffsetbits"​ option.
 +In the example above, [options] expands to any of the following lines
 +specifying information about the dictionary. ​ Each option is a keyword
 +followed by an equal sign, then the value of that option, then a
 +newline. ​ The options may be appear in any order.
 +Note that the dictionary must have at least a bookname, a wordcount and a 
 +idxfilesize,​ or the load will fail.  All other information is optional. ​ All 
 +strings should be encoded in UTF-8.
 +Available options:
 +bookname= ​     // required
 +wordcount= ​    // required
 +synwordcount= ​ // required if "​.syn"​ file exists.
 +idxfilesize= ​  // required
 +idxoffsetbits= // New in 3.0.0
 +description= //​ You can use <br> for new line.
 +sametypesequence= // very important.
 +wordcount is the count of word entries in .idx file, it must be right.
 +idxfilesize is the size(in bytes) of the .idx file, even the .idx is compressed ​
 +to a .idx.gz file, this entry must record the original .idx file's size, and it 
 +must be right too. The .gz file don't contain its original size information, ​
 +but knowing the original size can speed up the extraction to memory, as you 
 +don't need to call realloc() for many times.
 +idxoffsetbits can be 64 or 32. If "​idxoffsetbits=64",​ the offset field of the 
 +.idx file will be 64 bits.
 +The "​sametypesequence"​ option is described in further detail below.
 +You should first familiarize yourself with the .dict file format
 +described in the next section so that you can understand what effect
 +this option has on the .dict file.
 +If the sametypesequence option is set, it tells StarDict that each
 +word's data in the .dict file will have the same sequence of datatypes.
 +In this case, we expect a .dict file that's been optimized in two
 +ways: the type identifiers should be omitted, and the size marker for
 +the last data entry of each word should be omitted.
 +Let's consider some concrete examples of the sametypesequence option.
 +Suppose that a dictionary records many .wav files, and so sets:
 +        sametypesequence=W
 +In this case, each word's entry in the .dict file consists solely of a
 +wav file.  In the .dict file, you would leave out the '​W'​ character
 +before each entry, and you would also omit the 32-bits integer at the
 +front of each .wav entry that would normally give the entry'​s length.
 +You can do this since the length is known from the information in the
 +idx file.
 +As another example, suppose a dictionary contains phonetic information
 +and a meaning for each word.  The sametypesequence option for this
 +dictionary would be:
 +        sametypesequence=tm
 +Once again, you can omit the '​t'​ and '​m'​ characters before each data
 +entry in the .dict file.  In addition, you should omit the terminating
 +'​\0'​ for the '​m'​ entry for each word in the .dict file, as the length
 +of the meaning string can be inferred from the length of the phonetic
 +string (still indicated by a terminating '​\0'​) and the length of the
 +entire word entry (listed in the .idx file).
 +So for cases where the last data entry for each word normally requires
 +a terminating '​\0'​ character, you should omit this character in the
 +dict file.  And for cases where the last data entry for each word
 +normally requires an initial 32-bits number giving the length of the
 +field (such as WAV and PNG entries), you must omit this number in the
 +Every dictionary should try to use the sametypesequence feature to
 +save disk space.
 +{3}. The "​.idx"​ file's format.
 +The .idx file is just a word list.
 +The word list is a sorted list of word entries.
 +Each entry in the word list contains three fields, one after the other:
 +     ​word_str; ​ // a utf-8 string terminated by '​\0'​.
 +     ​word_data_offset; ​ // word data's offset in .dict file
 +     ​word_data_size; ​ // word data's total size in .dict file     
 +word_str gives the string representing this word.  It's the string
 +that is "​looked up" by the StarDict.
 +Two or more entries may have the same "​word_str"​ with different ​
 +word_data_offset and word_data_size. This may be useful for some 
 +dictionaries. But this feature is only well supported by 
 +StarDict-2.4.8 and newer.
 +The length of "​word_str"​ should be less than 256. In other words, ​
 +(strlen(word) < 256).
 +If the version is "​3.0.0"​ and "​idxoffsetbits=64",​ word_data_offset will 
 +be 64-bits unsigned number in network byte order. Otherwise it will be 
 +word_data_size should be 32-bits unsigned number in network byte order.
 +It is possible the different word_str have the same word_data_offset and 
 +word_data_size,​ so multiple word index point to the same definition.
 +But this is not recommended,​ for mutiple words have the same definition, ​
 +you may create a "​.syn"​ file for them, see section 4 below.
 +The word list must be sorted by calling stardict_strcmp() on the "​word_str" ​
 +fields. ​ If the word list order is wrong, StarDict will fail to function ​
 +gint stardict_strcmp(const gchar *s1, const gchar *s2)
 + gint a;
 + a = g_ascii_strcasecmp(s1,​ s2);
 + if (a == 0)
 + return strcmp(s1, s2);
 + else
 + return a;
 +g_ascii_strcasecmp() is a glib function:
 +Unlike the BSD strcasecmp() function, this only recognizes standard ​
 +ASCII letters and ignores the locale, treating all non-ASCII characters ​
 +as if they are not letters.
 +stardict_strcmp() works fine with English characters, but the other
 +locale characters'​ sorting is not so good, in this case, you can enable ​
 +the collation feature, see section 6.
 +{4}. The ",​syn"​ file's format.
 +This file is optional, and you should notice tree dictionary needn'​t this file.
 +Only StarDict-2.4.8 and newer support this file.
 +The .syn file contains information for synonyms, that means, when you input a 
 +synonym, StarDict will search another word that related to it.
 +The format is simple. Each item contain one string and a number.
 +synonym_word; ​ // a utf-8 string terminated by '​\0'​.
 +original_word_index;​ // original word's index in .idx file.
 +Then other items without separation.
 +When you input synonym_word,​ StarDict will search original_word;​
 +The length of "​synonym_word"​ should be less than 256. In other 
 +words, (strlen(word) < 256).
 +original_word_index is a 32-bits unsigned number in network byte order.
 +Two or more items may have the same "​synonym_word"​ with different ​
 +The items must be sorted by stardict_strcmp() with synonym_word.
 +{5}. The offset cache file's format.
 +StarDict-2.4.8 start to support cache files, this feature can speed up 
 +loading and save memory as mmap() the cache file. The cache file names 
 +are .idx.oft and .syn.oft, the format is:
 +First a utf-8 string terminated by '​\0',​ then many 32-bits numbers as 
 +the wordoffset index, this index is sparse, and "​ENTR_PER_PAGE=32", ​
 +they are not stored in network byte order.
 +The string must begin with:
 +StarDict'​s oft file
 +Then a line like this:
 +This line should have a ending '​\n'​.
 +StarDict will try to create the .oft file at the same directory of 
 +the .ifo file first, if failed, then try to create it at 
 +~/​.cache/​stardict/,​ ~/.cache is get by g_get_user_cache_dir(). ​
 +If two or more dictionaries have the same file name, StarDict will 
 +create somedict.idx.oft,​ somedict(2).idx.oft,​ somedict(3).idx.oft, ​
 +etc. for them respectively,​ each with different "​url="​ in the 
 +beginning string.
 +{6}. The collation file's format.
 +StarDict-2.4.8 start to support collation, that sort the word 
 +list by collate function. It will create collation file which 
 +names .idx.clt and .syn.clt, the format is a little like offset ​
 +cache file:
 +First a utf-8 string terminated by '​\0',​ then many 32-bits numbers as
 +the index that sorted by the collate function, they are not stored ​
 +in network byte order.
 +The string must begin with:
 +StarDict'​s clt file
 +Then two lines like this:
 +The second line should have a ending '​\n'​ too.
 +StarDict support these collate functions currently:
 +typedef enum {
 + UTF8_BIN,
 +} CollateFunctions;​
 +These UTF8_*_CI functions comes from MySQL in fact.
 +The file's locate path just like the .oft file.
 +Notice, for "​somedict.idx.gz"​ file, the corresponding collation ​
 +file is somedict.idx.clt,​ but not somedict.idx.gz.clt,​ the 
 +"​url="​ is somedict.idx,​ not somedict.idx.gz. So after you gzip 
 +the .idx file, StarDict needn'​t create the .clt file again.
 +{7}. The "​.dict"​ file's format.
 +The .dict file is a pure data sequence, as the offset and size of each
 +word is recorded in the corresponding .idx file.
 +If the "​sametypesequence"​ option is not used in the .ifo file, then
 +the .dict file has fields in the following order:
 +word_1_data_1_type;​ // a single char identifying the data type
 +word_1_data_1_data;​ // the data
 +...... // the number of data entries for each word is determined by
 +       // word_data_size in .idx file
 +It's important to note that each field in each word indicates its
 +own length, as described below. ​ The number of possible fields per
 +word is also not fixed, and is determined by simply reading data until
 +you've read word_data_size bytes for that word.
 +Suppose the "​sametypesequence"​ option is used in the .idx file, and
 +the option is set like this:
 +Then the .dict file will look like this:
 +The first data entry for each word will have a terminating '​\0',​ but
 +the second entry will not have a terminating '​\0'​. ​ The omissions of
 +the type chars and of the last field'​s size information are the
 +optimizations required by the "​sametypesequence"​ option described
 +If "​idxoffsetbits=64",​ the file size of the .dict file will be bigger ​
 +than 4G. Because we often need to mmap this large file, and there is 
 +a 4G maximum virtual memory space limit in a process on the 32 bits 
 +computer, which will make we can get error, so "​idxoffsetbits=64" ​
 +dictionary can't be loaded in 32 bits machine in fact, StarDict will 
 +simply print a warning in this case when loading. 64-bits computers ​
 +should haven'​t this limit.
 +Type identifiers
 +Here are the single-character type identifiers that may be used with
 +the "​sametypesequence"​ option in the .idx file, or may appear in the
 +dict file itself if the "​sametypesequence"​ option is not used.
 +Lower-case characters signify that a field'​s size is determined by a
 +terminating '​\0',​ while upper-case characters indicate that the data
 +begins with a network byte-ordered guint32 that gives the length of 
 +the following data's size(NOT the whole size which is 4 bytes bigger).
 +Word's pure text meaning.
 +The data should be a utf-8 string ending with '​\0'​.
 +Word's pure text meaning.
 +The data is NOT a utf-8 string, but is instead a string in locale
 +encoding, ending with '​\0'​. ​ Sometimes using this type will save disk
 +space, but its use is discouraged.
 +A utf-8 string which is marked up with the Pango text markup language.
 +For more information about this markup language, See the "Pango
 +Reference Manual."​
 +You might have it installed locally at:
 +English phonetic string.
 +The data should be a utf-8 string ending with '​\0'​.
 +Here are some utf-8 phonetic characters:
 +A utf-8 string which is marked up with the xdxf language.
 +See http://​xdxf.sourceforge.net
 +StarDict have these extention:
 +<​rref>​ can have "​type"​ attribute, it can be "​image",​ "​sound",​ "​video" ​
 +and "​attach"​.
 +<​kref>​ can have "​k"​ attribute.
 +Chinese YinBiao or Japanese KANA.
 +The data should be a utf-8 string ending with '​\0'​.
 +KingSoft PowerWord'​s data. The data is a utf-8 string ending with '​\0'​.
 +It is in XML format.
 +MediaWiki markup language.
 +See http://​meta.wikimedia.org/​wiki/​Help:​Editing#​The_wiki_markup
 +Html codes.
 +Resource file list.
 +The content can be:
 +img:​pic/​example.jpg //​ Image file
 +snd:​apple.wav //​ Sound file
 +vdo:​film.avi //​ Video file
 +att:​file.bin //​ Attachment file
 +More than one line is supported as a list of available files.
 +StarDict will find the files in the Resource Storage.
 +The image will be shown, the sound file will have a play button.
 +You can "save as" the attachment file and so on.
 +wav file.
 +The data begins with a network byte-ordered guint32 to identify the wav
 +file's size, immediately followed by the file's content.
 +Picture file.
 +The data begins with a network byte-ordered guint32 to identify the picture
 +file's size, immediately followed by the file's content.
 +this type identifier is reserved for experimental extensions.
 +{8}. Resource Storage
 +Resource Storage store the external file in '​r'​ resource file list, the 
 +image in html code, the image, media and other files in wiki tag.
 +It have two forms:
 +1. Direct directory and files in the "​res"​ sub-directory.
 +2. The res.rifo, res.ridx and res.rdic database.
 +Direct files may have file name encoding problem, as Linux use UTF-8 and 
 +Windows use local encoding, so you'd better just use ASCII file name, or 
 +use databse to store UTF-8 file name.
 +Databse may need to extract the file(such as .wav) file to a temporary ​
 +file, so not so efficient compare to direct files. But database have the 
 +advantage of compressing.
 +You can convert the res directory and the res database from each other by 
 +the dir2resdatabse and resdatabase2dir tools.
 +StarDict will try to load the storage database first, then try the direct ​
 +files form.
 +The format of the res.rifo file:
 +StarDict'​s storage ifo file
 +filecount= //​ required.
 +idxoffsetbits= //​ optional.
 +The format of the res.ridx file:
 +filename;​ //​ A string end with '​\0'​.
 +offset; // 32 or 64 bits unsigned number in network byte order.
 +size; // 32 bits unsigned number in network byte order.
 +filename can include a path too, such as "​pic/​example.png"​. filename is 
 +case sensitive, and there should have no two same filenames in all the 
 +if "​idxoffsetbits=64",​ then offset is 64 bits.
 +These three items are repeated as each entry.
 +The entries are sorted by the strcmp() function with the filename field.
 +It is possible that different filenames have the same offset and size.
 +The format of the res.rdic file:
 +It is just the join of each resource files.
 +You can dictzip this file as res.rdic.dz
 +{9}. Tree Dictionary
 +The tree dictionary support is used for information viewing, etc.
 +A tree dictionary contains three file: sometreedict.ifo,​ sometreedict.tdx.gz ​
 +and sometreedict.dict.dz.
 +It is better to compress the .tdx file, as it is always load into memory.
 +The .ifo file has the following format:
 +StarDict'​s treedict ifo file
 +Available options:
 +bookname= ​     // required
 +tdxfilesize= ​  // required
 +wordcount is only used for info view in the dict manage dialog, so it is not 
 +important in tree dictionary.
 +The .tdx file is just the word list.
 +The word list is a tree list of word entries.
 +Each entry in the word list contains four fields, one after the other:
 +     ​word_str; ​ // a utf-8 string terminated by '​\0'​.
 +     ​word_data_offset; ​ // word data's offset in .dict file
 +     ​word_data_size; ​ // word data's total size in .dict file. it can be 0.
 +     ​word_subentry_count;​ //how many sub word this entry has, 0 means none.
 +Subentry is immidiately followed by its parent entry. This make the order is 
 +just as when a tree list with all its nodes extended, then sort from top to 
 +word_data_offset,​ word_data_size and word_subentry_count should be 32-bits
 +unsigned numbers in network byte order.
 +The .dict file's format is the same as the normal dictionary.
 +{10}. More information.
 +You can read "​src/​lib.cpp",​ "​src/​dictmanagedlg.cpp"​ and
 +"​src/​tools/​*.cpp"​ for more information.
 +After you have build a dictionary, you can use "​stardict_verify"​ to verify the 
 +dictionary files. You can find it at "​src/​tools/"​.
 +If you have any questions, email me. :)
 +Thanks to Will Robinson <​wsr23@stanford.edu>​ for cleaning up this file's
 +Hu Zheng <​huzheng_001@163.com>​
 +  * http://​stardict.sourceforge.net/​StarDictFileFormat
python-files/stardict-format.txt · 最后更改: 2010/08/13 14:40 (外部编辑)